Dr. Robert Mozayeni
Board Member

Dr. Mozayeni is an honors graduate of the accelerated Leadership in Medicine Program of Union College and Albany Medical College. As an undergraduate, he had an interest in government and health policy – he had a minor in Political Science and worked on Capitol Hill in the office of Hon. Albert Gore, Jr. He received his MD degree from Albany Medical College. His honors included: Pew Foundation Scholar in the Transplantation Immunology Laboratory, Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, and one of the first Research Scholars of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the National Institutes of Health. He pursued his clinical training at Yale and the NIH. He was an intern and resident in Internal Medicine at Yale-New Haven Hospital and was a Fellow in Rheumatology with the Yale School of Medicine. While at Yale, Dr. Mozayeni was in the Physician-Scientist research residency program and thus, held a simultaneous position as a Fellow in the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. He studied the molecular basis of autoimmune diseases and as a result received a competitive NIH Physician-Scientist Training Award.
Subsequently, he moved to NIH to accept a tenure-track appointment as Senior Staff Fellow in the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and a clinical appointment as Rheumatology Fellow in the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases. He has been a member of the American College of Physicians and a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology.
Dr. Mozayeni has published numerous papers on immunology and cerebrovascular blood flow hemodynamics. He has presented his work in numerous US and International talks. He holds over 8 US and international patents with the greatest concentration of his work on methods related to evaluation of brain blood flow. In the past 4 years, he has been actively researching and publishing his work on chronic rheumatic diseases and their relationship to persistent human Bartonella spp.infection. He has published 4 papers on this in the past 2 years, and one of these includes the largest case series by far, of persistent Bartonella spp. infection in humans.
Dr. Mozayeni has founded two Washington DC Area biotechnology companies, the latest of which develops systems to improve the use of medical evidence by patients and practitioners to accelerate the process of medical innovation and translation to practice. In addition, Dr. Mozayeni has held admitting privileges (since 1994) on the clinical staff of Suburban Hospital, a member of Johns Hopkins Medicine and an affiliate of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center.
Dr. Mozayeni joined the Humankind Alliance Board without hesitation. He is a strong supporter of its forward thinking and solution-based mission and vision.